Arabic calligraphy, typography and handwriting of Quran Surah and Verses, The 99 Names of Allah and Muhammad PBUH, 4 Quls, Ayatul Kursi, Ayat An-Noor, Bismillah, Surah Fatiha, Kalma, Sura Baqarah, Aal-e-Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Anbya, Surah Yasin, Ar-Rehman, Durood Sharif, Ma Sha Allah, Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar and more...
Arabic Calligraphy "Al-Baqarah 2, 256"in the Noble Quran
(EPS, AI, CDR & JPG Files in ZIP Folder)
Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Arabic Calligraphy "Al-Baqarah 2, 256" in the Noble Quran
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